Bioidentical Hormones replacement Racine, WI - Hormone Harmony Clinic

Introduction to Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. As we age, our hormone levels decline causing various symptoms. Replacing deficient hormones with bioidentical ones can help alleviate symptoms and promote better health.

At Hormone Harmony Clinic in Racine, our physicians specialize in customized bioidentical hormone therapy to restore hormone balance. We offer high quality care, using state of the art diagnostics and only pharmaceutical quality hormones.

Our services

Restore your hormone balance with bioidentical therapy today.

What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormone replacements are man-made forms of hormones that are molecularly identical to those your body produces. This allows them to bind to receptors and mimic the action of your natural hormones.

Common bioidentical hormones include:

These are generally derived from plant sources and made bioidentical through laboratory processing.

Because bioidentical hormones match the body’s own hormones molecule for molecule, they are ideal for replacement therapy compared to synthetic or non-human versions. Bioidentical hormones have the same effects in the body, interact optimally at cellular levels, and avoid side effects caused by mismatched hormones.

Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

Imbalances in key hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone can cause wide-ranging symptoms including:

If you are experiencing any of these disruptive symptoms, bioidentical hormone replacement may help provide considerable relief by restoring optimal balance.

Customized Treatment Plans

Every patient is biochemically unique with differing deficiency levels and sensitivities to hormones. At Hormone Harmony Clinic, initial blood, saliva and symptom testing determines your individual hormone levels and personalized needs.

Your treatment plan is then fully customized with bioidentical hormones matching what your body naturally produced in your youth. The route of administration – oral, topical cream, pellet implant – is also tailored to your lifestyle and preferences for ease of use.

Custom compounded bioidentical hormones are prepared specifically for you in our on-site pharmacy. This allows very precise dosing meeting your individual needs now, which may fluctuate over time. Follow up testing tracks your hormone levels to ensure optimal balance is maintained long-term.

Restore your hormone balance with bioidentical therapy today!

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Benefits

Restoring optimal hormone balance with bioidentical hormones offers wide-ranging benefits including:

Physical Benefits

Mental & Emotional Benefits

In short, properly balanced hormone levels produced by bioidentical hormone therapy helps you look, feel and function at your absolute best!

Hormone Testing is Critical

Since all symptoms of hormone imbalance are common and relatively non-specific, testing is essential to determine if declining hormone production is causing your issues. This establishes a deficiency diagnosis guiding precision treatment.

Comprehensive lab testing allows Hormone Harmony Clinic physicians to tailor bioidentical hormone regimens specific to your deficiencies. Follow up testing also verifies treatment efficacy and appropriate dosing adjustments.

We utilize advanced saliva and blood testing for a complete hormone level analysis including:

Male Panels - Testosterone - Free Testosterone - Estradiol - DHEA/DHEAS - Cortisol - Pregnenolone - Thyroid (T3, T4) - PSA

Female Panels - Estradiol - Estrone - Progesterone - DHEA/DHEAS - Cortisol - Pregnenolone - Testosterone - Thyroid (T3, T4)

Testing is performed through regular venous blood draws. Saliva testing is also extremely useful for certain hormones, as levels closely parallel free circulating concentrations.

Hormone Harmony Clinic physicians are experts in interpreting comprehensive hormone testing data to diagnose specific imbalances and customize appropriate bioidentical hormone restoration regimens.

Our Exceptional Care Sets Us Apart

With over 20 years serving Racine, the physicians at Hormone Harmony Clinic offer exceptional care with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy including:

Cutting-Edge Diagnostic Testing

Customized Treatment Plans

Convenience & Quality

Ongoing Fine-Tuning & Monitoring

Lifestyle Guidance

We also provide lifestyle guidance regarding nutrition, fitness and stress management for optimal results.

If you suspect a hormone imbalance, contact Hormone Harmony Clinic today to see how we can help you regain your vitality with bioidentical hormone replacement! We look forward to helping you address frustrating symptoms and restore your energetic, healthy self once again!

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